

Arla Foods Ingredients 开发出一系列经科学验证具有生物功效的、安全的、营养价值高的乳蛋白原料,能够促进婴幼儿的健康生长发育,同时有利于健康的孕期以保证一个最佳的生命开端。

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Arla Foods Ingredients 响应世界卫生组织的建议,即婴儿出生后的前六个月内进行纯母乳喂养,持续喂养到婴儿两岁或两岁以上,并辅以营养均衡的辅食喂养。

Arla Foods Ingredients 响应世界卫生组织的建议,即婴儿出生后的前六个月内进行纯母乳喂养,持续喂养到婴儿两岁或两岁以上,并辅以营养均衡的辅食喂养。

Our website contains information on different approvals of Kosher. Only products produced at our plant in Denmark have the approval to use these logos, but we are currently working on getting all our plants approved for Kosher. Please ask us for specific information on your product in regards to the Kosher approval.
Our website contains information on different approvals of Halal. Our products certified from different halal agencies depend on location of the production site and the target market. Please ask for the specific information on your products in regards to the Halal approval.
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